Body Language of Cockatoos – All Moods and Their Signs

Published on Oct 05, 2021 by Bilal Qamar

Last Updated on November 11, 2022

The body language of cockatoos says a lot about their emotional state. In fact, it can help us understand how our bird feels. But to understand their body language, you need to know all the signs.

You might have noticed cockatoos sometimes raise their crest, puff up feathers, and scream a lot. All these signs mean something; let me tell you what they mean.

Excited or Happy

When excited, they look very active and make sounds. If they are too excited, they raise their crest and make a lot of joyful sounds. They start jumping and moving their head when they are too excited.

I have observed this behavior in pet cockatoos; they start jumping and moving their head. It’s a kind of dance cockatoos do when they listen to music. It surely means cockatoos like music.

An Excited Moluccan Cockatoo

Unhappy or sick

Cockatoos are extremely vibrant parrots; they love to play all day and do not like to rest for long. If a cockatoo stays idle for several hours, doesn’t keep its eyes fully opened, or slightly fluffs its feathers, then it might be unhappy or sick.

If the bird does not eat for long, shows no interest even if given attention, or is shivering, it needs a medical checkup.


Cockatoos, in their resting posture, spread their feathers which look fluffy. They keep their eyes almost closed and look inactive. Sometimes, they stand on one leg, put their head in their wings, or clean their feathers with their beak.

If they are too tired or sleepy, they start yawning; It is also a sign of relaxation. My cockatoos often yawn when they are tired after a hectic day of messing up my room, and they are getting cuddles.


Cockatoos are very playful birds; they cannot keep themselves from checking out everything around them. If a new person, a new pet, or a toy is introduced, they act shy and curious.

Usually, in such conditions, cockatoos raise their crest, stand tall and still from a distance, and observe the new toy. If everything looks cool, they slowly start approaching the new toy, touching it with their beak, and making very short sounds.

A Curious Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

Aggressive or destructive

Cockatoos show their aggression by standing tall, opening their wings, and swaying from side to side. They hiss and puff their feathers to warn first. The hissing is kind of an alarm call to scare you.

When they are about to bite, they crouch with open beaks, crest tightly held back, and run towards you. Be careful; cockatoos’ bites are really strong; if your bird bites, you should maintain a distance and train it not to bite.

Generally, cockatoos do not get aggressive. But if it is their mating season, they are not being cared for properly, or something is disturbing them, they can get aggressive. In such conditions, cockatoos become destructive; they try to chew everything around them.

In such situations, they need immediate medical help. If not helped properly, they can fall into depression and start plucking their feathers.

Seeking attention

Sometimes, they are not exactly excited but show off their beauty and want to be adored. They spread their wings, raise their crest, and make joying sounds. But in most cases, this simply means your cockatoo is trying to grab your attention.

Like most parrots, pet cockatoos are attention-seekers. When my cockatoos do this, I talk to them; they are interested in making conversations, being played with, and being admired.

Moreover, cockatoos love getting scratches and cuddles. If a cockatoo is habitual of getting scratches and cuddles, it comes close to the owner, slightly tilts its head, and puffs its feathers. They give the owner a perfect spot to scratch on the head.


Usually, cockatoos scream when they are attacked or feel insecure. They scream in various other situations, too, but when they are scared, their screams are loud, frequent, and shrill.

Moreover, they defend themselves by flapping their wings, moving around the cage, and trying to distance themselves from the predator. If they cannot create a distance, they bite the predator for self-defense.

Generally, pet cockatoos are not afraid of humans, but wild cockatoos do. However, if an untamed cockatoo is touched forcefully or a pet cockatoo is being raised in an abusive environment, it stays scared and such cockatoos can attack humans.

Final thoughts

Taking care of cockatoos becomes simpler when you understand every action of your bird. It also helps bond better and keeps your bird happy.

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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