Do Cockatoos Make Good Pets? Pros And Cons Explained

Published on Oct 20, 2021 by Bilal Qamar

Last Updated on November 16, 2022

We all adore cockatoos and want one but do they make good pets? Absolutely, cockatoos make excellent pets and keep you happy. However, if you do not have any experience in keeping cockatoos, there are a few things that you need to know before buying your first cockatoo.

Generally, cockatoos are really good as pets if raised properly. They are very affectionate and friendly. Their nature is somewhat like a human child’s; they like to play, check out everything around them and sometimes create a mess, but they never fail to entertain you. Moreover, they can also perform tricks and mimic your voice if trained.

But keeping cockatoos is not just fun; they are a responsibility. No matter how busy you are, once you get a cockatoo, you will have to give it time, play with it and take good care of it. Otherwise, cockatoos can fall into depression, get aggressive, and get sick.

Cockatoos Good Pets

Pros of keeping cockatoos As Pets: 

Let’s discuss what makes cockatoos good pets.

  • Cockatoos become excellent companions. Once they start trusting you, they get attached to you and love you.
  • Cockatoos like to get cuddles and rubs. They enjoy cuddles just the way we do. They come to you and ask you to rub them when in a mood.
  • Cockatoos are quick learners. You can train them to mimic human speech, solve a puzzle, and play tricks.
  • Cockatoos are very intelligent; they can learn things independently by observing. For example, in Sydney, wild cockatoos have learned to open waste bins to eat leftovers. [1]
  • Cockatoos are funny; they often do things that will keep you entertained. For example, they like to dance to music.
Cockatoos are Lifetime Partners

Cons of keeping cockatoos

Although keeping cockatoos is fun, but there are some cons associated with keeping cockatoos.

  • Cockatoos often scream without any reason. This can be disturbing sometimes, especially when it is your time to rest and your cockatoo won’t stop screaming. However, there are ways to train cockatoos not to scream.
  • Cockatoos chew things around them. They sometimes damage plastic and soft things like a TV remote. So when keeping a cockatoo, you must be vigilant about its surroundings.
  • Cockatoos are very choosy about food. Sometimes, they refuse to eat anything except something they like a lot.
  • Sometimes cockatoos develop the habit of biting. Their bites are quite painful. However, they can be trained not to bite.
  • Cockatoos poop everywhere if left open. They mess up your clothes and furniture with their poop. However, they can also be trained not to poop everywhere.
Cockatoos need Special Diet

Which cockatoo species makes the best pet?

If you still believe you want a pet cockatoo and are wondering which cockatoo breed makes the best pet, get any cockatoo; all breeds make good pets. But from my personal experience, I would recommend getting a cockatiel first if you have never had a pet parrot before. The Cockatiel is the smallest cockatoo species, and it is easy to take care of.

If you are determined to get a large cockatoo, go for a Sulphur-crested cockatoo. They make great pets.

Final thoughts

Some cockatoo species are more playful, and some are less; some are more talkative some are less, but generally, all species are good as pets. If you plan to get a pet cockatoo, I recommend learning everything about cockatoos before you get one.

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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