Do Cockatoos Lay Eggs?

It is the nature of all birds to lay eggs and raise babies. Some birds, like pigeons, lay only 2 eggs in a clutch, while others, like chickens, can lay tens of eggs. But what about cockatoos? Do cockatoos also lay eggs?

Yes, cockatoos lay eggs. The egg-laying capacity of different types of cockatoos varies from 2-8 eggs. Apart from the species, several other factors impact the egg-laying capacity of female cockatoos, such as their age, health, and environment.

Let’s talk about when cockatoos start laying eggs and for how long they lay egg.

One Female Cockatoo can Lay Egg

At What Age do Cockatoos Start Laying Eggs?

All cockatoos breeds lay eggs at different ages. Some breeds (like cockatiels) start laying eggs at the age of five months, while some lay eggs when they turn 2-6 years old.

Do Male Cockatoos Lay Eggs and Incubate Them?

No, male cockatoos do not have ovaries that are necessary to lay eggs. They neither lay eggs nor engage in the incubation process. However, when the females are not around, they stay near the eggs to protect them, and it looks like they are incubating them.

Male Cockatoos can not lay eggs because they lack the reproductive organs needed for egg-laying, and they do not have ovaries. Only female cockatoos can lay eggs.

Why Do Cockatoos Lay Eggs:

Female cockatoos lay eggs as a result of heat and environmental stimuli. Male cockatoos mate with female cockatoos to fertilize the eggs inside the female. After the egg completely develops inside the ovary, the female delivers it. During the egg development process, it is necessary to take good care of the cockatoo’s diet and health. Otherwise, they lay fewer or immature eggs.

When do cockatoos lay eggs

When Do Cockatoos Lay Eggs?

The egg-laying season of cockatoos varies from breed to breed and region. Some cockatoos start breeding in winter and breed till spring, while others start breeding in spring and breed till the end of simmers. (1)

Apart from their natural breeding season, their environment also influences their breeding season.

Season Of Egg Laying For Cockatoos

Behavior During Egg-laying Season

Cockatoos become excited and aggressive during the egg-laying season. They go through hormonal changes that make the females go into heat. These hormonal changes trigger their natural instincts to protect the nest and eggs.

Sometimes, the female cockatoos become so aggressive that they attack the male. Keeping them under observation and separating them if they fight frequently is essential for their safety. It is recommended to install at least two breeding boxes in their cage so that they can maintain distance during events of aggression.

For How Many Years Cockatoos Lay Eggs?

It is hard to give a specific number as cockatoos lay eggs until they are healthy, not too old, and in the right environment. Generally, cockatoos lay eggs until they have reached 3/4th of their natural lifespan. Since the lifespan of cockatoos also varies from species to species, it is hard to specify a year for all species.

Can You Stop Cockatoos From Laying Eggs?

Yes, to some extent, you can discourage your cockatoos from laying eggs. To do so, remove their nest box, and feed them fewer oily seeds and more fruits. Moreover, keeping a pair separate does not enable the birds to mate; hence, they do not lay eggs.

Final Thoughts

Like all birds, cockatoos lay eggs every year in their breeding season. This is when they most need a good diet and care. If you have any pet cockatoos or if any wild cockatoos visit you every day, make sure they are well-fed.

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

2 thoughts on “Do Cockatoos Lay Eggs?”

  1. You didnt answer ‘how long’ they lay eggs.

    “Let’s talk about when cockatoos start laying eggs and for how long they lay egg.”


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