Can Cockatoos Eat Pomegranates?

Published on Jan 27, 2022 by Bilal Qamar

Last Updated on March 5, 2022

Fruits are known as favorite treats for cockatoos, and they really enjoy eating them. Most fruits are delicious, and they are perfect snacks for your feathered friend. They like to eat sweet and juicy fruits, and they eat berries, oranges, and many other fruits. Let’s discuss whether Pomegranate is included in this list or not. 

Cockatoos can eat a pomegranate enriched with many vitamins and minerals. These parrots are fond of eating fruits, and they are full of health benefits, So it is entirely safe for them. Pomegranate also has seeds, and it is full of various essential nutrients. 

This fruit is filled with Vitamin A, C, E and minerals like potassium, Folate, Protein, and fiber. These nutrients are beneficial for cockatoos’ health, and its seeds are packed with several valuable nutrients, which makes this fruit healthy. This fruit is also a rich source of antioxidants. 

Nutritional benefits of pomegranate make it a valuable addition to cockatoos’ diet, and they serve various functions in their body. Although this fruit is very healthy, it contains sugar which can not be served in huge quantities. That is why sweet fruits must be served in moderation. Let’s discuss these points in detail. 

Nutritional Benefits of Eating Pomegranate:

Pomegranates are not only rich in antioxidants, but they also have antiviral properties. They are a great source of  Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. Pomegranates themselves are rich in fiber and also contain potassium and folate. 

Protein that is good for your parrots is present in this fruit. They contain sugar, so it is necessary to feed your cockatoos pomegranate seeds in small proportions. Vitamin C can help your parrots reduce stress levels, improve their overall mental and physical health. 

The juicy and pulpy texture of pomegranate is not only delicious but also very effective for your parrot’s health. In the pulps, dietary fibers improve digestion and enhance the proper functioning of cockatoos kidneys. 

The smalls needed in pomegranate are also good for them. They are also enriched with various nutrients. You can serve seeds of this fruit, but it must be in moderate quantities. 

Nutritional Benefits of Eating Pomegranate for cockatoos

Vitamin C in Pomegranate:

Pomegranate is a rich source of several essential vitamins, including vitamin C, which is essential for cockatoos and makes your cockatoo’s body resistant to disease. These vitamins also keep the cockatoo’s skin and feathers healthy. 

This fruit is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help produce and repair body cells. Vitamin C also helps regulate the body’s immune system and helps heal wounds and absorb iron. This vitamin also acts as an immunity booster in the cockatoo’s body and reduces inflammation

The deficiency of vitamin C in their diet can lead them to engage in self-destructive behaviors. For example, they start destroying their plumage. These behaviors can include excessive preening, chewing the tips of their own wings, or even plucking or tearing off their wings. By serving fruits like pomegranate, their deficiency can be reduced. 

Vitamin A in Pomegranate:

Vitamin A is essential for the growth and development of cockatoos. Pomegranate is a very nutritious and vitamin-rich fruit. These vitamins play a key role in the proper functioning and good health of your parrot’s feathers. It is effective for the Development of visionary components like the production of carotenoids and color differentiating cells.

Vitamin A present in pomegranate also improves reproduction in cockatoos and can increase vision and cellular communication in cockatoos’ bodies. It has been observed that some parrots, including cockatoos, have blue, orange, yellow, or red colors in their body plumage.

This coloration is partly due to a balanced amount of vitamin A in their body.  Vision is very important for parrots in order to fly properly. Artificially synthesized vitamin A food can actually be toxic to your cockatoo’s health. It is important that cockatoos get their daily diet through fresh fruits and veggies.

Vitamin A in Pomegranate for cockatoos

Vitamin E in Pomegranate:

Vitamin E is present in various fruits, and it is a very essential vitamin. Pomegranate is a rich source of many vitamins, including Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an essential element found in this fruit, and it helps in the regulation and regeneration of the body cells of cockatoos. 

Vitamin E makes the feathers of their body soft and radiant. It also boosts up the immune system of cockatoos and increases their immunity. Vitamin E is very important, and it must be added to their diet.

The fiber in Pomegranate:

Usually, all the juicy fruits have fiber content, and pomegranate is also rich with it. It is very effective for improving digestion in cockatoos’ bodies. These fibers help to reduce different digestive disorders, and they clean the wastes and toxins of the body. It ensures the healthy body functioning of cockatoos.

It maintains the good health of cockatoos’ digestive system. Fibers are very necessary to regulate your cockatoos’ proper digestive and bowel movement. Many fruits are a rich source of fiber, including mangoes, and this is very helpful in proper digestion and reduces the rate of constipation in cockatoos. 

Calcium in Pomegranate:

Pomegranate is a rich source of essential minerals, including Calcium, and it is an essential mineral, and it helps in bone and teeth development. Calcium supplement is essential for cockatoos’ strength and the development of bones. It also helps in muscle contraction and bone development. 

 Potassium in Pomegranate:

Potassium is one of the beneficial minerals that are present in pomegranate. It helps in the regulation of cockatoos’ heartbeat and their rhythms. It regulates nerve cells for proper muscle contraction and the functioning of the nervous system. Potassium also helps in muscle and bone strengthening.

Potassium in Pomegranate for cockatoos

Magnesium in Pomegranate:

Magnesium present in this fruit is very beneficial for cockatoos; it is a nutritious mineral, and improves cockatoos’ heart’s health, and regulates its rhythms. Its adequate serving can protect cockatoos from cardiovascular diseases. 

Magnesium is essential in the body because it binds with various enzymes, helps in protein synthesis, and provides energy to the body. This mineral in pomegranate helps in the production of energy bonds that produce energy.

Calories and High Sugar levels in Pomegranate:

Pomegranate serves many health benefits, and it is a rich source of many essential nutrients but contains sugar in it. The high content of sugar in cockatoos can cause many serious issues in their body functioning. Pomegranate is a sweet juicy fruit, and it is high in sugar and calories too. 

Fruits rich in sugar content are not recommended to include in cockatoos’ daily diet because they can affect digestive organs and cause kidney issues.  That is why it is advised by veterans to rarely eat your cockatoos. You should serve this fruit in moderate quantities because its more intake can harm your cockatoos. 


Cockatoos can eat pomegranate but in moderation. As it’s discussed above, pomegranate is a rich source of many minerals and nutrients, but it also contains sugar and calories.

Fats, sugar, and calories are also the requirements of cockatoos, but not in huge amounts. That is why it must be served in low proportion. They like its taste, and it can be served with seeds because seeds of pomegranate are also healthy. 

Also Read About: Can cockatoos Eat Strawberries?

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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