How many Yellow Crested Cockatoos are Left in the World? Are they Endangered?

Yellow Crested cockatoos are found in East Timor and on the Islands of Indonesia (Sunda) and woodlands, Sulawesi, etc. They are also known as Lesser Sulfur-crested Cockatoos. Their population has been introduced in Hong Kong and Singapore due to population threats to them.

These parrots are in demand and often get captured by people, which is producing negative consequences on their population. Let’s have a look at how many Yellow Crested Cockatoos are left? Are they endangered?

Between 1980 to 1992, a huge population of Yellow Crested Cockatoos (nearly about 100,000) was Illegally exported from Indonesia. The recent population of Yellow Crested Cockatoo is about 1000 to 2,500. Many factors negatively affect their population and now according to IUCN, they are critically Endangered species.

In recent times, Some international organizations are planning to save their introduced population in Hong kong. Biologists are working to provide these parrots a better environment for breeding and to increase their growth rate.

Let’s discuss the factors which are affecting their population and their protection programs.

How Many Yellow Crested Cockatoos are left?

Yellow Crested Cockatoos are the rarest parrots, and they are very attractive. Due to their beautiful White appearance, they often become the victim of Illegal pet trading and hunting. In contemporary times there are about 1000 to 2,500 Yellow Crested Cockatoos left in the world.

They are suffering from hunting and Illegal pet trading. These beautiful parrots are moving to their decline due to these factors. Only a small population is left, and few parrots are only introduced in Kong Long and Singapore.

How Many Yellow Crested Cockatoos are left

Are Yellow Crested Cockatoos Endangered?

Yellow Crested Cockatoos are diminishing very quickly in the Wild; only a few parrots are left. Some parrots are kept in captivity. They are listed as Critically Endangered Species in the IUCN (International Union of Conservation of Nature) Red List

Biologists and many conservation schemes are working to increase their growth rate. These parrots can breed in captivity, and this can be a positive point in their population increase. Some organizations are working on a protection program for these parrots. 

Factors responsible for Yellow Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Endangerment:

There are many factors that are responsible for the Endangerment of these graceful white parrots. Illegal Pet trading, hunting, shortage of food, Natural disasters, etc., all these factors are all responsible for the endangerment of these parrots.

Illegal Pet Trading of Yellow Sulphur Crested Cockatoo:

Pet Traders get attracted by the beautiful white appearance of Yellow-crested Cockatoos. They often get captured and hurt because of their beautiful and unique features. These parrots are very eye-catching due to the unique crests on their heads. 

These parrots often become the victim of Illegal pet trading, and it is a significant threat to them. Due to illegal Pet trading, the number of Yellow Crested Cockatoos is decreasing. This factor leads them to enter the IUCN Red List. An ecosystem is also disturbing because of their decrease because these birds eat in a very messy way and spread nuts everywhere, which stabilizes the growth in the wild by these nut seeds.

Habitat Loss of Yellow Crested Cockatoo:

These parrots are facing issues like habitat loss since the early 19th century. These are the parrots of woodlands and scrublands, and they are really vegetation. Their habitat is under destruction due to the excessive needs of the people and animals like cattle. Humans utilize trees and lands for their living and livestock purposes etc.

Habitat Loss of Yellow Crested Cockatoo

People use wood for construction purposes and these trees are also used for the grazing and living purpose of the cattle farm. These valuable trees are being destroyed and burnt due to several uses like agriculture, construction, grazing, etc.

On the other hand, Natural disasters are also affecting the habitat of every parrot species. Many woodlands are devastated by the floods and sometimes with lack of rain etc.

Hunting of Yellow Crested Cockatoo:

Yellow-crested Cockatoos are often hurt and hunted by hunters. Their pure white plumage and unique yellow crest attract the hunters from the far side. These parrots are remarkably graceful, and they have White feathers with prominent crests, which appear to be strikingly beautiful. The appearance of these parrots attracts the hunters, and they hunt them for meat and sometimes to get their feathers, etc., for sale purposes.

Cage-Bird Trading of Yellow Crested Cockatoo:

Yellow Crested Cockatoos (Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo) were facing decline since the 190s. From 1980 to 1992, a huge population of Yellow Crested Cockatoos (nearly about 100,000) was Illegally exported from Indonesia, which badly affected their population rate. These parrots are illegally captured for the cage bird trade.

Conservation Status of Yellow Crested Cockatoo:

Yellow Crested Cockatoo is mainly found in East Timor. These parrots really like forests and vegetation, and they are also present in the Islands of Indonesia, named Sunda. They like forests bordering green fields, wheat fields, and grassland.

Their Population has been introduced recently in Hong Kong and Singapore. They can be seen there in  public parks. Their Population is also observed in the national parks in Sulawesi.

 Biologists are working very hard to protect them, and their Population is also introduced in Komodo national park and island. 

There are many Islands and national parks in Indonesia, Sulawesi, Population, and East Timor in which their population has been seen. Biologists introduced their population because they are critically Endangered. Still, they are making efforts to protect their population. According to IUCN they are critically endangered species. 

Conservation Status of Yellow Crested Cockatoo


Yellow Crested Cockatoos ( Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoos) are the rarest parrot species. They were in huge numbers before the 190s and after that due to many factors explained above, they are facing the status of Endangerment.

These parrots are very graceful, often captured by traders and hunters. In the past, incidents of Pet trade badly affected their population status. Their population has been introduced by the Indonesian government and many Biologists are working to increase their growth rate.

Also Read About: How to Identify Male and Female Sulphur Crested Cockatoo?

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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