Are Cockatoos Mean? Details Explained

Published on Jan 26, 2022 by Bilal Qamar

Last Updated on March 5, 2022

Cockatoos are very expressive pets, and they express their feelings through their behavior, gestures, and actions. Cockatoos have many qualities, and they are very sensitive to behavior, diet, and other things and act immediately. In this article, we will discuss whether Cockatoos are mean and selfish.

Cockatoos are very gentle and humble-natured parrots. They really like to interact with their caretakers, but it is also observed that they start behaving rudely when they do not get their desired thing. Cockatoos are considered one of the most affectionate and loving pets because they really love to interact with their owners. 

In contrast to that, cockatoos become mean when they do get their desired thing on time, it can be their favorite food, their toys, and some time for playing. They also scream and bite their owners when they are depressed. 

By Nature, cockatoos are gentle and loving parrots but sometimes they act like this. Cockatoos are not bad pets, but sometimes they get mean because of some factors. Let’s discuss these factors in more depth. 

The temperament of cockatoos:

Cockatoos are very friendly, social, and affectionate parrots, and they form a very strong bond with their caretakers if properly treated. They need a lot of attention and care from their owner. One has to deal very carefully with the cockatoo’s desires, emotions, and habits; otherwise, they can act rude

Their trust can be achieved by establishing a proper routine, giving them their desired food and something to chew. Interaction with the cockatoo and some training can also help to create a friendly environment. Cockatoos really like to play tricks and impress their owners, and they really love their owners. 

The temperament of cockatoos

Some Cockatoos are very good learners, and they perform very well. Cockatoos love to talk with their owners, and when they start loving them, they allow gentle touching of their owner, but still, they do not like forceful catching from their caretakers. 

In order to make cockatoos comfortable with you, you should gently touch them with your finger so that they can feel your love and trust you.  When there is a lack of bonding, they will not eat anything from you and won’t play with you, and ultimately they will reach some destructive behaviors.

Now, this is the whole temperament of cockatoos which can change like the weather. Cockatoos are very affectionate, but immediately they can act rudely and become mean or selfish when they are not treated properly or loved. 

Cockatoos Becomes Mean Parrots:

Cockatoos are very sensitive to behaviors and the environment. They are very expressive, and whenever they feel something not prevailing and unusual, they act rudely. They act immediately what they feel because, like humans, they cannot hide their feelings and emotions.

They do not care what their owners feel when they act mean because they are parrots, and they have no sense which can identify this. Cockatoos have a loving and gentle nature, and they really like to interact and spend some time with their owners. 

But when their caretakers do not give them plenty of time due to their busy routine, cockatoos get depressed and annoyed and act mean. They only think about their choice and mood, and when they do not get the attention of their owners, they start to scream loudly.

 In this way, cockatoos disturb their owners and want some attention by behaving like this. But in actual this behavior of cockatoos indicates the selfish and mean nature of cockatoos. In Short, Cockatoos are not mean by nature, but they get greedy and mean sometimes. There are some factors that make cockatoos mean for a time; let’s discuss these factors individually. 

Cockatoos Becomes Mean For Their desired Food

Naturally, Cockatoos are very affectionate and loving parrots, but there are some factors that make them mean and selfish for a time. Due to their expressive nature, they show their feelings immediately.

Factors Responsible for cockatoos Meanness:

Cockatoos are very immediate reactors, and they react to their emotions and act selfishly, but some factors are responsible for their behaviors. 

Cockatoos Becomes Mean For Their desired Food:

Cockatoos Becomes Mean when they do not get their desired food from their caretakers. In captivity, the owners are responsible for the food of their cockatoos so, if they do not give them their desired fruit or seeds and nuts, cockatoos will become annoyed. Cockatoos scream and show some destructive behavior in the cage; in this way, they act mean. 

If there are one pair of Cockatoos in the cage and they are not bonded, then they will become selfish for everything. For example, if their owner gives them one apple, then both of the cockatoos will try to eat that apple whole and do not share it.

Cockatoos become Mean for their Nest

When cockatoos did not develop they were bonded, they acted mean in eating and other habits and did not share anything with each other. Contrary to that, when bonded pairs of cockatoos get the same fruit, they can share and eat the food together.

Cockatoos become Mean for their Nest:

In the wild, when two cockatoos or two pairs of cockatoos find the same nest for their living, they act very mean to each other. Cockatoos fight with each other in order to get that nest. Both pairs of cockatoos try to get the nest first, and they do fight. In this situation, their mean and selfish nature can be observed.

In normal situations, cockatoos fly in flocks and eat together, but to get their desired thing, they can act mean. 

Group of sulphur crested cockatoo


Cockatoos are very loving and affectionate parrots, but some of mentioned above factors can make them mean. Naturally, they are gentle-natured pets, but these factors make them selfish, and they act rudely. Cockatoos share a very strong bond with their owners, but they do not get their desired thing; they scream and do destructive behaviors. So naturally, they have good nature, but they become mean because of some factors (discussed above).

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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