Can Cockatoos Eat Peanuts? A Detailed Guide

Cockatoos can eat a wide variety of food, and they are very selective in their diet. They love to eat nuts and other dry fruits; some are beneficial to them, and some are just to give them a taste. In this article, we will discuss whether Cockatoos can eat Peanuts.

The answer to this question is yes; Cockatoos can eat peanuts. Peanuts are from the family of Legumes, e.g., Soybeans and green peas, etc. Peanuts have many nutrients, and cockatoos can eat them in their diet. The entire diet of cockatoos should not rely on them, but peanuts should be a part of their diet.

Many people say that the nutritional value of peanuts is just equivalent to candies, and Peanuts only contain fats and should be taken by cockatoos. In reality, peanuts have the same nutritional values as almonds, walnuts and other nuts have. Let’s have a look at these dietary facts of peanuts and their effects on Cockatoos.

Peanuts in the Diet Of Cockatoos:

Cockatoos really like to eat seed mixes and bird food, but it should be balanced with fresh fruits and vegetables. Peanuts have many nutrients, and they are high in fats. If we fill the bowl full of seeds and place it in front of cockatoos, then most preferably, they pick peanuts and sunflower seeds.

Peanuts have a wide variety of nutrients and minerals, and parrots take them, and it gives them all nutrients. It should not be given to cockatoos in high quantities because it can fill the entire need for food.

Peanuts in the Diet Of Cockatoos

 When cockatoos’ hunger is filled with peanuts, they will eat anything, which can cause Malnutrition to Cockatoos. Now we will discuss the nutritional value of peanuts and their effects on cockatoos’ diet.

Several Minerals in Peanuts are useful for Cockatoos:

In peanuts, there are many useful minerals that can give nutrients to cockatoos. Peanuts have minerals like copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. Copper is a trace mineral, and it is very important in the diet; deficiency of this mineral can affect anyone’s health. 

Manganese is also a very important mineral which is in peanuts, it’s primarily found in drinking water and other foods, but their trace amounts are found in peanuts as well.

Phosphorus is also found in peanuts, and it is a very important mineral in the diet of cockatoos. It helps in the growth of the body and other tissues.

Magnesium is a very beneficial dietary mineral which has many benefits, and it can provide strength to resist heart diseases. 

Vitamins in Peanuts that are useful for the Cockatoo diet:

There are several vitamins in peanuts that have many benefits. Vitamins like B3. B9, B1, and vitamin E are present in different forms in peanuts. 

Niacin (Vitamin B3):

Niacin, which is known as Vitamin B3, is present in peanuts, and it is very beneficial for cockatoos and other living organisms. They can prevent Cockatoos from different heart diseases. 

Folate (Vitamin B9):

Folate is a very beneficial vitamin, and it is also known as Folic acid and Vitamin B9. It is really beneficial in pregnancy, and if cockatoos take it, it can give them strength during breeding.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1):

Thiamine is one of the important vitamins present in peanuts. It is very beneficial to the diet of Cockatoos. It is also known as Vitamin B1 and it helps to generate energy bonds and provide energy to the heart, muscles, and nerve cells of cockatoos.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is present in a good amount in peanuts. It is very essential for the diet of baby cockatoos because, at their age, they are in need of fats. Vitamin E is enriched with antioxidants which are full of fats and can help cockatoos to grow properly.

Benefits of Peanuts in the Health Of Cockatoos:

Many people believe that peanuts are not nutritionally valuable as nuts are. There are many benefits of peanuts that can positively affect the health of cockatoos. Peanuts are also enriched with many minerals, vitamins, and fats like other nuts are. Surprisingly peanuts are not from the family of nuts. They are classified as Soybeans and green beans, which are in the family of legumes. There are many benefits of peanuts in the health of cockatoos. Let’s have a look at them.

Benefits of Peanuts in the Health Of Cockatoos

Weight Loss of Cockatoos:

Cockatoos gain weight when they eat everything enriched with protein and calories and do not exercise. Many caretakers in their busy routine forget to take them for exercise, and they become bulky within a few days. So, if small and balanced amounts of peanuts are added to the diet of cockatoos, it can help them to lose weight.  

Heart Health of Cockatoos:

Peanuts are enriched with Unsaturated fats like other expensive nuts Almonds and walnuts are. They also help to control the amount of cholesterol. Peanuts play a vital role in the protection of heart diseases. Balanced addition of peanuts in the diet of cockatoos can make them resistant to different heart issues. 

Increase Lifespan of Cockatoos:

According to researchers, it has been observed that many nuts, legumes can increase the lifespan of living organisms. Peanuts were also included in the list of those nuts and legumes, decreasing the death rate and increasing lifespan. 

When cockatoos eat small amounts of peanuts in their daily diet, it can increase their lifespan. Peanuts have many useful nutrients, and if they are taken properly, they can increase immunity and make cockatoos resistant to different diseases. 

Increase Lifespan of Cockatoos


Cockatoos are seed lovers, and they really want to eat peanuts in their diet. As it is mentioned in the article, peanuts are beneficial for their health, but excessive amounts of everything is bad. So a small number of peanuts can be added to the diet of cockatoos. 

Many people think that peanuts are low in nutritional value, but scientifically, they are enriched with many minerals and vitamins. These minerals and vitamins prove to be very essential for the development of cockatoos.

Also Read About: Can Cockatoos Eat Watermelon? (Rind + Seeds + Skin + Core)

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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