Can Cockatoos Eat Pineapple?

Almost all fruits are good for cockatoo health, but some fruits are toxic. In the wild, cockatoos eat a wide variety of fruits, and naturally, they do not eat unhealthy fruits. But in captivity, they eat whatever they are fed. What about pineapples? can cockatoos eat pineapples?

Yes, cockatoos can eat pineapple and drink its juice. it is good for their nourishment and growth. They can eat pineapple core, skin, and even leaves. Pineapple is good in natural form but canned pineapple is not good for cockatoos.

Cockatoos love fresh pineapple as it is sweet and juicy. Pineapple is beneficial for cockatoo as it is enriched with vitamin C and manganese, which are essential for parrots. Fresh pineapple has antioxidant properties, which are effective for the growth of cockatoos.

Canned Pineapple for Cockatoos are not Preferable

Can Baby Cockatoos Also Eat Pineapple?

Baby cockatoos can also eat pineapples and drink their juice. As pineapple boosts immunity and growth, it is beneficial for baby cockatoos.

Also, read about other foods cockatoo babies can eat: What do Baby Cockatoos eat?

To learn about how to feed a baby cockatoo, read: How To Feed A Baby Cockatoo? 

Can Cockatoos Also Eat Skin and Leaves of Pineapple and Drink Its Juice?

As discussed, cockatoos can eat the core but with that, they can also eat the skin and leaves of pineapple. Let’s talk about whether they should eat the leaves and skin or not.

Cockatoos can Eat Skin of Pineapples:

Cockatoos can eat pineapple skin. It is enriched with vitamins and minerals, which make the body strong. The skin contains vitamin C and manganese, which improve their overall immunity.

Cockatoo Parrots Can Eat Pineapple

The vitamin-C strengthens the body to fight against many bacterial and fungal infections. Manganese makes the beak and bones strong.

Cockatoos can Eat the Leaves of Pineapples:

Pineapple leaves are also beneficial for cockatoos. They are enriched with antioxidants such as:

  • Flavonoids
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Phenols
  • Tannins

Pineapple leaves can help reduce inflammation and protect the heart cells from damage.

Cockatoos can Drink Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is also good for cockatoo health but it contains natural sugar. It shouldn’t be served any more than 2 tables-spoons once a week.

Canned Pineapple is Not Good for Cockatoos

Canned pineapples are unhealthy for cockatoos because they contain artificial colors, preservatives, and an excessive quantity of sugar.

These artificial substitutes decrease the nutritional value of the fruit and disturb the cockatoo’s digestive system. 

Boosts immunity and growthToo sugary (bad for cockatoo health)
Keep them hydratedCanned pineapples contain preservatives
Pros and Cons of Feeding Watermelon to Cockatoos
Cockatoos can Eat Skin of Pineapple

How Often Can I Serve Pineapple to Cockatoos?

Pineapple is good until served in excessive form. Since it contains a high concentration of natural sugar, it can be unhealthy. Cockatoos must not be served pineapple any more than 50g once a week.

What Other Fruits Cockatoos Can Eat? 

Besides pineapples, cockatoos eat many other fruits like:


Pineapples are good for cockatoos but they must be served fresh. Canned pineapple is bad for cockatoo health. Apart from pineapple core (flesh), cockatoos can also eat skin and leaves and they are healthy.

To learn more about the cockatoo diet, read: What Do Cockatoos Eat?

Also read: What Not To Feed A Cockatoo?

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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