How To Clip A Cockatoo’s Wings?

Published on Jan 28, 2022 by Bilal Qamar

Last Updated on March 5, 2022

Cockatoos are very adorable parrots, and their plumage makes them more graceful. They fly with the help of their big and beautiful wings, but in captivity, it is very necessary to clip their wings. In order to prevent your cockatoo from accidents or flying away so you clip their feathers. In this article, I will discuss how to clip cockatoos’ wings. 

You can clip a cockatoo’s wings by following some ways. First of all, you have to calm down your feathered friend and consult a veteran. Only the tips of the wings should be clipped because wings have blood vessels that are visible. That is why only wingtips must be clipped.

Use the big towel and scissors and try to hide scissors from your cockatoos. Always do this clipping when your pet is peaceful and calm. If you accidentally clipped their wings more than the tips, it will bleed, so be careful. Let’s discuss these points in detail.

Clipping of Cockatoos Wings:

Cockatoos wings can be clipped by their caretakers, but they have to consider some points. Always consult the avian vet before doing an experiment on cockatoos. Clipping of wings is not a difficult task, but it should be done with great care and observation.

In the wings of these parrots, there are blood veins that are visible from their wings, like we can see them as well as we can touch them by hand. Only cut the light feathered tips of wings because they fly with the help of these tips.

It can be an easy process if your cockatoos are tamed because they know that clipping did not hurt them. Tamed cockatoos can also open their wings for you to cut. Clipping of wings is not harmful, and they are for the safety of pets.

Because when they fly from a captive environment or anywhere outside of the house, they can hit anything or to traffic, etc. That is why when you own them, it’s your responsibility to protect them. Let’s discuss how to clip the wings of cockatoos.

Steps Necessary For Clipping Cockatoo’s Wings:

There are several steps necessary for the cutting of cockatoos’ wings. These instructions will help you to understand the knowledge of clipping their wings. Let’s discuss how to clip their wings in detail. 

Consult Veteran for Safe Clipping of wings:

Before clipping the wings of your feathered friend, always consult some Avian veteran if you are not experienced in this. Cutting off their wings is not difficult, but it needs a lot of care because any small carelessness can hurt your cockatoos.

So, before doing this, if you consult a veterinary doctor, he may give you a few points and correct methodologies regarding clipping. They will also let you know about the precautionary measures that you should take before doing this.  Another benefit of consulting a vet is that you can immediately tell them about your pet’s behavior.

Consult Veteran for Safe Clipping of wings for cockatoos

They can become silent while cutting off their wings, and you should immediately stop clipping. Similarly, you can tell the veteran while cutting if you see their wings bleed from any side. 

Manage Material for Clipping of Wings:

It is very necessary to manage all the required material before clipping the wings of your cockatoos. These parrots are very sensitive, and they can become nervous or furious within no time. 

That is why everything should be assembled because while clipping, you can not find anything, and your pet can misbehave. There must be a clipper, scissors, one towel, and a medical kit, including blood-stopping powder.

Select the Place For Wings Clipping:

Always select the correct place for clipping the wings of your cockatoos. It must be a quiet and peaceful room that is well lit. All the windows and holes in the room must be closed in order to prevent your parrot from flying because cockatoos can try to fly during clipping.

Select the Place For Wings Clipping for cockatoos

Always take care of the comfort level of your cockatoos because they are active, and if they do not get the proper way of dealing, they become nippy. That is why the room must be peaceful with all windows closed. 

Manage Some Assistance While Clipping:

Clipping of cockatoos ‘ wings is not a difficult task but it can be stressful, it all depends upon the behavior of your cockatoos. Tamed cockatoos can spread their wings and easily allow you to cut their wings. But if your pet is not comfortable it will be very problematic to deal with it. 

That is why you need some assistance from your friend. In this process, you have to hold your cockatoos as well as clip their wings. So with the help of some other person, you can cut easily. He can hold your cockatoos from the back and their feet also in the meanwhile you can easily clip their wings.

Identify the Flying Feathers Before Clipping:

Identification of feathers is very important, and you have to carefully observe the feathers of your cockatoos. Find out the main flying feather which you will clip because only main feathers are required for flying purposes, and when they are cut down, your pet will not be able to fly. 

Identify the Flying Feathers Before Clipping for cockatoos

Always identify the blood veins present in their feathers because, in this clipping, you need to cut their tips only. In case if you cut the vein of wings and it bleeds, then immediately apply blood stopping powder and consult a veteran.


Cockatoos wings can be clipped by following the above-mentioned steps. All the steps should be performed with great care and attention because it is a very stressful procedure. 

Clipping of wings is not considered a good thing to do but it is very necessary for the protection of your cockatoos. When you own a pet, it’s your responsibility to take care of its safety. Always make your cockatoos comfortable while doing clipping. 

Also Read About: How To Calm A Cockatoo?

Bilal is an aviculturist who loves to write in free time. His personal experience with bird care and breeding enables him to share valuable tips. So far, he has contributed more than 100 blogs to this site. His goal is to promote bird-keeping and save endangered species.

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